she/squeak lesbian
autistic white 16
inpt 5w8 aquarius

any socials not here are also under 39mice

About me!

Hello my name is crea! I’m a mousegirl on the internet. I’m a genderfawn lesbian who likes talking about lawyers I really do like ace attorney and if there’s ever a fact or piece of trivia you need to know just send me a message and I will get it for you!

CDL - which stands for “crea don’t look” is my catchall tag. If you’re going to talk about kristoph x Apollo and phoenix x Apollo please use that tag. I don’t want to see it as it’s something that upsets me.

My favourite aa character is apollo justice and I could go on for hours about apollo’s character. I’m a pretty big enthusiast for transfem apollo so I use she/her pronouns and such on Apollo don’t be weird about it. I also draw my apollo as transfem if this makes you uncomfortable mute or block me. I’m an art student going into design work but I also do floristry.

Interests !

ace attorney , splatoon, ghost trick, aistf, madoka magica, magia record, mp100, dungeon meshi, metal gear solid, housemd, various kpop groups (mostly ggs), vocaloid, precure + more!

I have a few misc stuff such as..
coin collecting, 2000s artwork / fashion, dolls, mice, flowers + more

My aa insanity began:


    BYF !

    I make a lot of dissection jokes and I do not tag stuff like spoilers unless it’s for games like tgaa or ghost trick. If you wanna be my friend you can just dm me! I love talking to people :] I also block ALOT of people (1k+) but I’m forgetful on why I’ve done it so just dm me your @ and I’ll undo. I consume all media critically. If I am following someone who engages in stuff like proshipping for the love of god just dm me and tell me. I follow 1.5k people I can’t keep track of them all.

    DNI !

    basic dni criteria, -14, israeli or its supporters, anyone who ships siblings, adult and child or anything of a similar nature, apart subtwitters like edtwt and shtwt. anti neoprns, mouse haters,you don’t like apollo justice (why are you here?) mcyt only accounts and while this should be obvious do not follow me if you’re a 18+ or a nsfw account for crying out loud outside of this I will just block you if I think your weird or annoying :p

    Text aaaa